Gloomy Tales: One Way Ticket Collector's Edition

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Look into the enigmatic disappearances at the Halloween party with Gloomy Tales: One Way Ticket

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Game Description

The Halloween party of the century has welcomed you! As soon as you and your pals arrive to the eerie, old home for a night of fun and frights, things quickly become terrifying beyond anything you could have imagined for Halloween. Your friend Millie has been kidnapped by a horrifying monster in the middle of a party crowd! Only you have the power to save her, but when you enter the afterlife, you'll have to put your own life in danger to do it. The good news is that Professor Power and his sister Astra will assist you in getting there, and a helpful ghost by the name of Faceless wants to assist you in tricking Allister on his own land. As if that weren't enough, the party's host, Anna Charlestone, has also had some encounters with the paranormal, though she isn't as open about it. What sinister secrets does she conceal? Play right away to discover out!

- Prepare yourself for the Bonus Chapter's next spine-tingling story!
- Enjoy a variety of exclusive wallpapers, concept art, songs, and more!
- To get achievements, replay your favorite HOPs and mini-games.
- Gather rewards and bonuses!
- With the Strategy Guide, you'll never get lost.

Download size: 1620 MB

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