Dyna Bomb

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Strap on your jetpack and prepare for chaos!

Publisher Immanitas

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Game Description

64 explosive levels - in 8 gloriously animated worlds. This arcade smash is a real feast for the senses, with superb artwork. And explosions - so many explosions!

Kick the arcade action into top gear as you dodge enemies, fling bombs and grab the treasure - before making a mad dash for the exit. Do you have the skill to find the secret levels? Can you use all the different the power ups to dominate the environment?

If it moves, its up to you to destroy it, in some of the most intuitive arcade action on the Android platform. We've really added to the experience with daily rewards, a wheel of fortune for hidden extras, powerups, characters and much, much more!

Boom - let's play!

Kick the arcade action into top gear as you dodge enemies, fling bombs and grab the treasure, before making a mad dash for the exit.

Do you have the war skills to find the secret explosions levels? Can you use all the different power ups to dominate the war spaces?

If it moves, it's up to you to destroy it, in some of the most intuitive arcade action on the Android platform.

-  8 Different World and war space
-  Gloriously animated shooting and dodging worlds
-  8 Different Levels for each battle mission
-  Hidden Level on each world
-  2 Different warrior Characters
-  More than 10 power ups
-  Custom Control System
-  Explosive sounds and explosive creepers
-  Mini wheel of fortune to win extra items

Download size: 32.5 MB

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