Jigsaw Puzzle Lovers 2

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With Jigsaw Puzzle Lovers 2, explore fascinating puzzles and let your creativity run wild!

Publisher The Revills Games

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Game Description

You're invited to enter a world of creative discovery and mental stimulation with Jigsaw Puzzle Lovers 2. Explore a vast array of painstakingly chosen puzzles, each providing a different challenge and the satisfaction of solving them. Every element, from delicate details to tranquil vistas, comes together to form an amazing visual tapestry. As you go out on the adventure of creating beauty out of turmoil, lose yourself in the union of creativity and calm. Jigsaw Puzzle Lovers 2 reinvents the art of puzzles for fans of all skill levels, whether you're looking for a calm moment of relaxation or an engaging mental challenge.

- Improved High-Resolution Imagery: Take in even more breathtaking sights thanks to improved image quality.
- Wide-ranging Image Selection: Take pleasure in a varied collection with hundreds of high-resolution photos to suit any taste.
- Versatile Puzzle games: Play Jigsaw, Tile Swap, Split Tiles, and Tile Rotation, four entertaining puzzle games.
- Personal Puzzle Creation: Create your own puzzles using your favorite pictures and photos to let your creativity run wild.
- Customized Difficulty Levels: Test your mettle with a range of challenging options that accommodate all ability levels.
- Achievement System: Use a motivating system of achievements to keep track of your advancements and successes.
- Calm Soundtrack: You can choose to listen to soothing background music to help you lose yourself in a serene atmosphere.
- Customization Abounds: With so many ways to adjust the game to your tastes, you may make it uniquely yours.
- Ample Colors and Backgrounds: Select from a vast selection of color schemes and backgrounds to fit your mood.
- Wallpaper-Worthy Puzzles: Make your finished puzzles into eye-catching desktop backgrounds by saving them.
- Variety of Puzzle Piece forms: Choose from a variety of puzzle piece forms to fit your style of puzzle-solving.

Download size: 282 MB

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