Tachyon Project

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An action packed dual-stick shooter!

Publisher Immanitas

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Game Description

Tachyon Project is an action packed dual-stick shooter with lots of weapons, enemies and some innovative stealth gameplay mechanics. In the game you take control of Ada, a software program that has to hack into the most secure servers on Earth to find out about her creators.

In Tachyon Project you take control of Ada, a software program that has taken conscience and that was designed to hack into the most secure servers on Earth. After some rather misterious events, Ada is thrown out of the test server where it was living and out into the Internet, but when she tries to go back there she finds she's unable to. She'll then start a journey to uncover the truth behind what happened to her creators, which she considers her parents. In the process she'll find out that things were a bit more complex than she initially thought.

Download size: 127 MB

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