Boxing fighter : Super punch

Attempt to hit all boxers coming from both sides to assault you. Beat em up!! BOXING FIGHTER: SUPER PUNCH is the greatest action boxing game ever. Fight against a large number of boxers and their BOSS. Get ready to rumble! Can you knock them out? You can utilize any boxing technique: jab, cross, uppercut, or direct punch. Unlock powerful moves to boost your power and defeat them all. You can also enable unapproved hits such as headbutts, kicks, and stealth attacks. Isn't it enough to destroy them? Throw chairs, bottles, and even your obedient dog. Give all that you have. BOXING FIGHTER: SUPER PUNCH is a tribute to pixel and retro gaming. Feel the enthusiasm of the 1980s and 1990s when you were playing in video arcades. In this popular game, you can play as the boxing hero from your favorite movie. Come grab some. Let the war begin!
Tags: Arcade